Hands-Free Dental Floss 3 Pack + Travel Case

US $18.99
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Keep your smile fresh and healthy with the Gfloss 3-Pack + Travel Case. Our revolutionary hands-free design makes flossing easier and more convenient than ever. Perfect for those seeking hassle-free oral hygiene, anytime, anywhere.

120 Unflavored Floss in 3 Pocket-Friendly bags | Little Travel Case Included.

    • Easy floss
    • PFAS free
    • Fluoride free floss
    • Strongest dental floss
    Less plastic than a regular floss pick

    Material Quality and Environmental Responsibility

    The body of Gfloss is made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and the floss is composed of 250 micro strands of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHDPE), guaranteeing superior strength and durability.

    We strive to reduce plastic usage; thus, Gfloss contains 50% less plastic than a standard floss pick. All materials used are free from PFAS and any other toxins, prioritizing both your health and the environment.

    Money back guarantee

    We understand the trepidation that can sometimes accompany online purchases. Will the product live up to your expectations? Will it truly meet your needs? With our 30 days Money Back Guarantee, those worries dissipate like morning mist in the sun.

    This guarantee is your golden ticket to peace of mind. It's the voice that whispers, "Go ahead, try it out." Because if, for any reason, you find yourself less than thrilled with your purchase, we've got your back. Your satisfaction isn't just a goal; it's our unshakable mission.

    Life is hectic, but your dental hygiene doesn’t have to be.

    dental floss travel case

    With the Gfloss travel case, your flossing knows no bounds.

    The bundle includes a compact travel case perfect for life on the move. Tiny enough to slide right into your party purse or jeans pocket – Gfloss accompanies you everywhere. Embrace the liberty of a pristine smile, whether on a plane, at a shindig, or in the workplace. Know the benefits of flossing.

    Floss on the move

    Key Benefits

    • Hands-Free Design: Floss without the fuss. Keep your hands free while effectively cleaning your teeth.
    • Time-Saving: Maximize your daily efficiency. Use Gfloss while multitasking.
    • Discreet & Compact: Perfect for public use without drawing attention. Floss discreetly anywhere.
    • Reaches Every Corner: Ideal for accessing hard-to-reach areas like back molars, without finger pain.